Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Good Day and a Song

Today was the kind of day that makes you smile. You know, that thankful, can't-help-it smile.

As it turns out, when you do good for others, it makes others want to do good. Imagine the chain reaction if everyone lived that way ALL THE TIME.

Kinda reminds me of this saying...

Anyway, today I was blessed to participate in an event for some local Seniors (GO c/o 2013!). It was so fun to see the possibilities that they had right in front of them....they knew it too, most of them talked about their plans and dreams with such expectation and confidence! It was very awesome to see!

C/O 2013

And talk about making you smile...Here is my little one helping mommy grocery shop. Oh what Joy it is to be her mom!


Monday, May 20, 2013

In the Deep

We make our own decisions, but the Lord alone determines what happens. (Proverbs 16:33)
Have you ever been in a rock and a hard place? You know, the kind of time in your life where you just don't know where you are going, or where you WANT to go, for that matter?
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences in life...only Devine interventions. And usually, I am wrong about what God wants me to "get" out of certain circumstances. I could be the first one to enlighten someone else, just don't leave me to guess about my own. It's not until some time later (usually a LONG time) that the light bulb goes off and I finally understand what He wanted me to understand.
Isn't it funny how things work? You think you know what you are destined for, what you want/ need. But God knows better. Think of how many things you started that ended completely different than how you expected. Or how many people came into your life for reasons unknown until seasons later, when perhaps they have already left, and you finally see the impact they had on your life. It's only occasionally (for me, anyway) that we get to view the impact while in the middle of the season.
I got to experience this today. I have been struggling with a decision, and just like the God that we all love, He was right on time to show me that I wasn't to fear. He used the people in my life (some that have been in my life for years, and some that I have known for only a short time) and showed me a whole new side of them, just to show my the way and calm my fears. He could've left me alone to "figure it out", but that is not the way God works. God meets us in THE DEEP!!!

Not on the shore where everything is safe and we are in our little bubble of "normal". He is there for us in the thick of things, when we get real with one another...when life gets real! And He knows exactly what we need and how we need it.
What are the things that God has shown you?
Until next time,

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Try Me Tuesday
Today is the first of many "Try Me Tuesday" posts where you will learn about a lot of new skincare, makeup, and fragrance products, and even some great oldies!
I am very excited to hear your opinions as well...including products that you'd like to see on future Tuesday posts.
To kick off "Try Me Tuesdays", I've chosen Birchbox

For those of you that haven't heard, one of the new trends lately are these customizable "deluxe" sample boxes.
I started my subscription in February (you pay $10 a month for each box and shipping is FREE!), and have been pleasantly surprised by what each box had inside. The cool thing is that Birchbox is fully customizable (you fill out a profile of skin type/ color/ concerns and likes/ dislikes. There are also boxes for men, fitness, and pets.) and you get to review your product samples for points which are redeemable for dollars off any product purchase in their shop.

What they claim: custom sample boxes to try new products without wasting your hard-earned income.
What is ACTUALLY the case: Birchbox is a great way to try a smaller size of a new product until you decide to purchase the full size. It's a great gift idea, too, as they have 3 month subscriptions.
BOTTOM LINE: 8.5 out if 10! Although some of the samples may not be for me, I look forward to my Birchbox every month more than almost any other mail I get.
You can purchase Birchbox here. Also, I'd love to know what you think of Birchbox, yourselves. And, if there is a product that you would like to see on a future "Try Me Tuesday", let me know in the comments below.
Until next time :)

Location:Oakleaf Plantation Pkwy,Middleburg,United States

Monday, May 13, 2013


Last week I attended the celebration of life of my uncle. It was such a beautiful ceremony. There were a couple of things that stood out the most to me....
1) No matter how long you're apart, or where life leads you, your family is always there to support you....sometimes surprisingly so.
2)Family is not always blood.
3) When things happen in life that are bittersweet (or sometimes more bitter than sweet), the people closest to you will always rally around and do everything in their power to get you through.
The last thing I'd like to leave you with is a poem that was read at the ceremony. This poem really made me thankful for ALL things in my life, sweet and bitter....
I asked God for strength that I might achieve.
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked for health that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy.
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.
The Prayer of an Unknown Confederate Soldier
I am really excited for the first "Try Me Tuesday" post tomorrow and can't wait for you all to weigh in on what you think.

See you then,

Location:Oakleaf Plantation Pkwy,Middleburg,United States

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Be Still

Be Still and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10

The above quote is and always will be my favorite bible verse of all time.

So simple, yet so powerful at the same time.

"Be still".... Well now that's the hard part, isn't it?!

In the hustle and bustle of every day life where there's husbands, wives, kids, jobs...etc, its so easy to get "lost" in the busy. That's why it's so important to make time to Be Still.

I got to do that very thing today. Not by choice, but every now and then God just needs to "knock you off your busy."

E was sick today, so we did what every three year old sick child wants to do....we built a fort and watched cartoons. ALL. DAY. LONG!

We even took a nap 😳 (and if you are a fellow nap-less mom, you know the rejoicing that comes along with that previous statement!!)

The great thing about days like today, besides hanging out with my munchkin all day, is that I had time to "Be Still". I got to reflect on how far my little family has come. How far my friends have come and the fact that I COULD NEVER do life without them. I also got to sit and's awesome what you hear/ realize when you take the time to listen. Like things you've been praying for have already been answered...just in a much different (re: better) way than even I had planned. I vow, right now, to make more time to be still.


So simple, yet so powerful!

I'd love to know your thoughts on this verse and what it means to you.


Location:Oakleaf Plantation Pkwy,Middleburg,United States

Monday, May 6, 2013

Well Well, Look Who's Here!

Grace......Websters Dictionary describes Grace as the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful, full of beauty, kindness and charm. 

When I think of the one word to describe my ideal self, GRACE is it. The road to grace, though, is long and full of peaks and valleys....and often interrupted. 

Hi everyone. This is Tristen (Tris). I am a recent inductee into the SAHM club after eleven years of retail life. I have to say, even though staying home is tough at times, I have never been so happy. I WILL say, though, that I’ve never worked harder in ANY other “job”.

I’m new to the blogging world and just wanted to introduce myself and my little family of three. First, there is my wonderful husband, J. Second, is E, the beautiful (and quite sassy) 31/2 year old that occupies most of my time and ALL of my energy. They are the reason that I decided to start this blog, to document our lives and be able to look back and see all of the memories in print.

Okay, I have a little secret….
There is a second reason for "GraceInterrupted". I AM A MAKEUP JUNKIE! No, seriously! I might have a bit of an addiction. After working for one of the largest companies in the beauty industry for 5+ years, I’ve grown quite a collection (and quite an obsession) of products. To tame this obsession, I have decided to do “Test Me!” Tuesdays. Every week, I will take a product, tool, tip etc….and show you guys what it’s all about. Along with my opinion, of course! Ha!

Thank you for dropping by. I’d really love to “meet” you all, so leave a comment if you’d like. I look forward to getting to know all of you and your families.

Untill next time…


Location:Oakleaf Plantation Pkwy,Middleburg,United States